Saturday, November 14, 2020

The Fuss Over the Election

 I wanted to give some perspective as I see it on the election last week.  As we all know, there has not technically been a winner declared, despite the media trying to "project" the Democratic candidate, Joe Biden, as the new President.  Fact is, there is a lot of controversy surrounding these election proceedings, and President Trump and the Republicans may have reason to cry "foul" in this one, as there seems to be some questionable ballot counts in many states.  This election is at center stage of national attention right now as there are a lot of things at stake, perhaps more so now than in any previous Presidential election.  So, what does that mean for us?  That is the reason I wanted to share some thoughts today.

When Trump was elected in 2016, I didn't vote for him - honestly, at the time I like many thought this was more of a joke than anything, but at the same time when he was elected I gave a big sigh of relief as it meant the chaos of the Obama era was effectively over.  However, as Trump took his place as leader of the most powerful nation in the free world, I must admit he pleasantly surprised me.  The reason is, unlike so many other Presidents (both Republican and Democrat) who were essentially career politicians and not worth two squirrel turds in a walnut shell, Trump was something different, and he was what many of us needed.  He was not a politician by any stretch - as a matter of fact, some have called him the "anti-politician" because he was a businessman rather than a bureaucrat, and he actually listened to the people. Was Donald Trump perfect?  Not by a long shot - he tended at times to run his mouth when he should have been quiet, and perhaps his constant activity on Twitter was a deterrent.  But, at least he possessed something many career politicians did not - honesty.  What he said he was going to do he did, and for the most part the past four years were good ones for me personally.  Of course, the "Establishment" was not happy - I mean, how dare a President actually do what he says he's going to do, and how dare he listen to these poor schlubs that pay taxes and have to be governed by the laws!  That is what got the dander up for some characters like the drunken Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi and her Senate concubine Chuck Schumer.  It also equally got the proverbial goats of career Republicans like Mitt Romney and Susan Collins, who didn't like their comfort zones being upset by a maverick as President who actually made them accountable to the voters.  In short, the Establishment hated Trump, and they did everything in their power to get rid of him - the Russia hoax, the whole impeachment sham, etc.  But, Trump withstood all that vitriol from the Establishment career bugs, and he prevailed, and the people loved him.  But, 2020 presented new opportunities for the Establishment Democrats and their Republican collaborators - a thing called Coronavirus significantly altered life worldwide, and the Democrats were sure that this would dethrone Trump; it almost did.  But, Trump rose to the occasion and actually led the nation while the Democrats and their Republican patsies whined and pontificated, aided by people such as Dr. Fauci (who resembles Rick Moranis's character Dark Helmet in the movie Spaceballs - I guess that makes Pelosi President Scroob?), and other so-called "experts" who recently decided to try to force people to not celebrate Thanksgiving (a decree I will choose to ignore, because it is stupid frankly), not go to church, not work to pay their bills, not allow their children to be educated, etc.  What is the deal with this COVID-19 thing anyway?  Was it as bad as it was made to be, or is there an ulterior motive which is inflating its significance?  Let me talk about that briefly.

It is of interest to me that this virus had its origin in China, and interesting enough, for all the so-called "Russia collusion" BS the Democrats have been trying to pin on Trump, I find it odd how many of them have a vested interest in the Chinese government.  I believe that this may be the real collusion - leftist Democrats, many of them radicalized socialists, are I believe being bankrolled by the Chinese government, and perhaps this little pandemic was the gift of the Chinese to the Democrats to ensure they seize power.  I of course cannot substantiate that at this time, but it is just fascinating and may explain the obsession many on the left have with President Trump and the "Russiagate" BS.  In time, all will be revealed, and it is just a waiting game.  However, I believe the odds are high - high enough I could wager a bet - that there is some connection somewhere between the Democrats and the Chinese government.  Too many things just look odd.  And, maybe not even China - the Democrats are bankrolled by a number of billionaire corporate interests (Silicon Valley demagogues like Zuckerberg and Dorsey, as well as people such as Bill Gates and no doubt the Antichrist himself, George Soros).  My estimation though is that both the corporate billionaires (Silicon Valley satrapies for one) and China may have a stake in American politics, and the will of the common man on the street does not matter because the guy who drives the big rig hauling canned soup or the local farmer don't have the big bucks to buy politicians, and the main force behind American politics is not the democratic process - it is who can be sold to the highest bidder.  Chinese dollars earned by Pelosi in her pursuits may explain why she can eat $15 pints of ice cream, not to mention the gallons of vodka she swills. One day too, this shall come to light as well. 

The stakes in the election are indeed high ones, and if we are to maintain our way of life and keep our freedoms, it is imperative that someone like Donald Trump is elected rather than a Chinese puppet like Joe Biden.  The radicals who have taken over the Democratic Party are hell-bent on what some have called a "Great Reset" - tearing down everything that is, and then building their own utopian vision which would benefit them and not anyone else.  It is important that we try to preserve our traditions, our families, and our property from these forces of evil that would seek to subjugate us and remake an America in their image which would be a dystopian nightmare for the majority of us.  The stakes are so high that many people are depressed over it, and some are obsessing about it in fear - I don't think this is productive honestly, and we have to try to keep cooler heads in all of this, regardless the outcome.  That is why now I wanted to just offer some encouragement to those who are, like myself, people of faith who may be trying to make heads or tails of  what is happening.

For the Christian, it is important to remember the words of Scripture, in particular Romans 8:28, which reminds us that all things - the order of current events and even our elections - work together for good to those who love God and are called according to his purpose.  What does that mean exactly?  Essentially, it is a simple message - God is in control of things, and we just have to trust him to take care of us.  Luke 12 kind of expands this a little by reminding us that as God takes care of the birds and the grass, how much more will he take care of us who are created in his image?  Looking at Luke 12:26, we see that a bit of wisdom about situations like this is imparted to us by the Lord Himself - he tells us that if we do not have power to do the least, why worry about the rest?  In other words, we are simply not the ones in control of things - God is.  Therefore, we are admonished to trust Him for what we need, as Philippians 4:19 reminds us that He will supply our needs for us, as His resources are without limit - after all, the entire universe (including us) is His, and He created it.  So, when adversity hits - including pandemics like COVID and the possibility of a corrupt Democrat being elected for President - there are two things we need to do.  First, we obviously pray, and we also come together to support one another, as many will be discouraged and scared.  Second, we go on about our business and don't let these circumstances distract us from what's important.  If we do that, then we will have a healthier outlook on things.  The ultimate hope is the story of redemption itself - for those of us who believe, we know the Author of the book, and we know how the story ends; God wins.  Therefore, we must not let ourselves get discouraged and sidetracked, because whatever the circumstance it is only temporary. 

Like many who may read this, I don't know what is going to happen in all of this - we could keep Trump for another four years as our President (which many of us hope will happen), or Biden may actually win the Presidency and then we will have our work cut out for us.  Our duty now is to be vigilant, stay focused, and honor those responsibilities of life we are entrusted with.  If we keep busy, it also means that we won't have time to get depressed or scared, and we can be proactive in doing what we need to do without letting this stuff derail us.  I hope these rambling insights will provide some comfort and encouragement to you who are reading them today, and just be encouraged and as Red Green says, "Keep your stick on the ice."  Blessings to you until next visit. 


 In January 2010, I started Sacramental Present Truths as a platform for my own reflections and teachings on Biblical and theological issues...